Thursday, April 29, 2010

update on baby and me...

Thank you for your sympathy from my last post. The last few days have been much better and I just had to have that little venting session, but things are all good now.
I realized that I haven't really done an update on here about the baby/me so I thought I'd share...

Last Monday, the 19th (over a week-and-a-half ago) I had a dr. appt. and found out that I was dilated to 3cm and 80 % effaced! I was stoked and got thinking that this baby was going to come really soon and was just waiting for my water to break, some contractions, or something....but nothing ever happened!! I think that is why I had a bad day and just have been a little on edge because I kept thinking something was going to happen and it didn't and I was just tired of thinking about it.
I had an appt. scheduled for wednesday, yesterday, but didn't even think I would make it to that, but I did. So, yesterday I went in and my doc said I was at 4cm and the baby is very low, with the head down in position so he thinks it will be anytime. I didn't take it so much to heart this time, but was still excited to hear that things are progressing. He said he would induce me if I want as early as next Tuesday (if I am still pregnant then) so I made an appt. for Monday and we will see if anything happens over the weekend and if not, we will make plans on Monday of when to have this baby.
My ideal date would be May 8th because Dave is off for 5 days starting that day and the kids both have events at school on the 5th and 6th that I want to be at, but I'm not sure my doctor wants to plan an induction for Saturday...actually I'm sure he doesn't, especially because he is Jewish too, but we will see. So, I could just wait and not be induced, but then I have the whole issue of wanting deliver at North Shore Hospital, and if I just wait to go naturally my doctor may be over at the other hospital (LIJ) and then I would either have to go to him over there or have a different doctor at North Shore.
So, I guess my plan is just to wait and see if anything happens this weekend and if not we will see how my appt. goes on Monday and decided what to do from there.
I CANNOT wait to meet this little babe and find out if he is a he or if she is a she :) Most people think I am having a boy when they look at me...I guess the way i'm carrying etc. but who really knows! Zanna and James are very excited to meet and take care of the baby too and we are just all counting down! It has been a while since we've had a little newborn around and it has been really fun to get out our baby stuff, go thru our baby clothes and get things somewhat set up, even though we will be moving in about 8 weeks (a whole other issue :)!
Anyway, thank for thinking of us and we will keep you posted...

Here are some pictures from my very fun baby shower a couple of weeks ago. My friends and ward ladies were so sweet to do this for me and we had a great time eating all the delicious food and celebrating this little baby... good times!

my silly hat that kept falling off
the whole gang at Lourdes' house
my 1st counselor and secretary in Relief Society...such wonderful ladies!
rachel, me, gabby, cindy and jamie
elizabeth, ana and lourdes
playing a little game-- Julie was loving it!
gender-neutral stuff is so much cuter than it used to be... I was spoiled with some really cute clothes, blankets, towels, bibs, socks, a great bouncy chair, onesies, gift cards and a sling-- so nice!
I love the concentration on Cindy's face of how Rachel made the sling :)
testing out the sling with Zanna's baby doll
delicious Costco chocolate cake--my favortie :)
Lourdes and Raegan-- the girls behind the party planning-- THANK YOU!!!!
check out this darling white-chocolate baby bottle filled with jelly bellys...a lady in my ward made this and gave me whole bag of cute baby chocolates too- so yummy!
The morning after the shower Zanna, James and I reopened everything so they could see what we got for the baby. Zanna was so excited and helped me organize it all...she is going to be such a great helper!


Caroline said...

I'm glad you're feeling better! I hope you have your baby soon, that it's born in May, and that it's a girl. Just so you know my requests:) I'm so super excited for you!!! Hang in there, and I hope all the dr./hospital stuff works out. Tell Zanna we want to see a picture of her holding him/her with a HUGE smile.

Michelle said...

so cute! I forgot that you were going to be surprised with this one! I guess my intuition is that it's going to be a boy! I am so excited for you and your little family! It had been a while for us between kids too, and I am so excited for you to remember what it's like to have a baby around. It will quadruple the amount of love in your home! It's amazing! Can't wait to see this little baby of yours!

Aimee and Mark said...

I just looked through a bunch of posts and pictures on your blog, and it was so fun to see what you've been up to. I'm glad you had so much fun with your mom (and even got to see Wicked again!) and that you're getting so close to having this BABY! I know how awful it is right there at the end when you're just waiting and wondering and feeling nervous and excited... promise you'll let us know as soon as something happens. I've been thinking about you lately and have tried to call a couple of times. We've got a lot to talk about!

Medical School Graduation

Medical School Graduation
May 20, 2007 Hershey, PA