Saturday, May 1, 2010

Mary Poppins!!

On Wednesday we decided to go see Mary Poppins! We bought tickets that day and headed down to the subway in Jamaica and into the city.
(P.S. If you want tickets you can use the code SPMARY on or and get tickets for $42 instead of $61- those were the cheapest ones and they were in the Mezzanine:)

we got roasted nuts for the show (my favorite city snack) and headed in...

flyin' with Mary
The show is in the New Amersterdam Theatre and it is BEAUTIFUL!
It is one of the older Broadway Theaters (completed in 1903) and has so much more intricate detail than the other theaters I've been to. click here for a little history if you're interested...history
pre-show excitement from the boys
mid-show smiles from the girls :)

Overall the show was pretty good. I thought the actors were excellent but I was a little disappointed that they didn't include the "laughing scene" from the movie. I think 'cause I had seen Wicked a few weeks before I was wanting the music to be a litter "grander"- for lack of a better word, but that isn't really fair. The show had a fabulous tap scene to "Step in Time" and some great special effects that I don't want to give away. Mary Poppins was "tip top" and we all loved her. We were very glad we went and the kids have talked about it all week, which is always a good sign. James did ask if we could go home with about 4 songs to go, but I think he was just tired because the show time was 8pm-10:45! We didn't get home until after midnight, but it was well worth it to have to drive the kids to school since I let them sleep in :)


Martie said...

I have loved this show for years, and I always sing "Stay Awake" to kids and grandkids. I'm glad you got to see it live. It is coming to Salt Lake this year. I love the way it affirms the importance of caring parents in a child's life! Yahoo!!

Caroline said...

So fun! I love going to see live shows. I think we saw Beauty and the Beast in that theatre when Owen was 6 months old. I remember being impressed by the theatre too. I was hoping to see pictures of the baby, but I'll check back soon!

Michelle said...

how fun! That pic of you and your kids (with you posing with the umbrella) is sooo dang cute. I'm so glad you guys take advantage of living in NY. You do such fun things! What amazing memories you are making for your wonderful kids.
good luck tomorrow! I will be thinking about you!

Medical School Graduation

Medical School Graduation
May 20, 2007 Hershey, PA