Monday, March 23, 2009

friends since 5th grade

Heather and I can't help acting like kids when we get together...
and Dave can't help it either
(we were actually duplicating a picture we took like this a couple of years ago that Zanna loves and keeps up in her room- I guess she likes to see us being silly too!)
We walked the Brooklyn Bridge and had the delicious, fresh-made ice cream on the Brooklyn side (it's a great view and a really fun thing to do in the city)
We walked so much that day and it was pretty cold- but we were tough girls!
That same morning we got up at 5:15am to run a 5-mile race in Central Park with some of our great friends in NY. It was a beautiful run and I got to see areas of the Park I had never seen before. My feet were killing me afterward- but it was a good last race before I go under the knife!
Running Buddies- Rachel, Heather, Me, Cindy, Jeremy and Julie 
(sorry for the small pic- I got it off facebook)
The kids loved having Heather around (as you can see of James' face) and we had a yummy Indian dinner at Nanking!

We love you darlin' and we were so lucky to get to have you all to ourselves for the weekend! 


Wendy P said...

When and why are you going under the knife?

Eliza said...

I have the same question!

Meagan said...

ditto on the question!

Cheryl said...

One of these times I may actually get to spend one of these amazing weekends in NY with you. I always feel like I'm missing out when I look at your blog. Actually what do u have going on conference weekend? Remind me when your foot surgery actually is and you did say your mom is coming out right?

The Larsen's said...

Mel, sorry you had to get that pic off facebook. I will email you pics from that day. I had just forgotten. We can't wait to do the Brooklyn bridge. I can't believe you guys walked so much after the race. After the Rock, we were spent and went home to rest.

Medical School Graduation

Medical School Graduation
May 20, 2007 Hershey, PA