Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I'm starting a new group called MAADK- Mothers Against All Day Kindergarten! Some may call me crazy, but I feel like kindergartners should only be in school half-day, or at least have the option for it, and that they do not need to be gone from 7:30am-3:30pm everyday when they are only 5 years old. I know the world is changing and so many parents are working, and therefore need their kids to be in school, and/or everyone goes to preschool now- so Preschool is the new Kindergarten and therefore Kindergarten is more advanced- or at least just longer, but I just disagree. The time I have with my kids is not always easy and delightful, but it is already flying by and I think they have a lot to learn at home before the are ready for the "real world." Zanna goes to pre-K everyday from 8:45-1:20 (counting time on the bus) and that gets exhausting for her sometimes. Luckily we have a lot of holidays and breaks, so she gets some "time off"- as she calls it- and she loves the days she gets to be home. I have talked to many moms now who are concerned about sending their Kindergartners to school all day and one friend who thinks all day kindergarten has ruined her daughter's attitude towards school and has a constant battle to get her out the door in the morning. They are too young to be sent out all day and I am REALLY hoping our school districts doesn't change over to all-day k. (right now they do 3 regular day and 2 short days for kindergarten). I hope I don't sound like I don't want my kids to go to school- I just don't think we should be so anxious to get them out of the house, because that will happen too quickly on its own.

(P.S.- My group isn't really real, so anyone who wants to join and vent or discuss is welcome :)


Wendy P said...

I will join your group. We are moving to Hershey next year and I believe that they have all day kindergarten and I am scared. I never wanted Jackson to leave the house from the moment he was born. I am realizing that is unrealistic, but I miss my guy when he isn't around. However, I have learned they don't lean well from me. I try to teach them something and they just don't get it, then they come home having just learned what I tried to teach them at church or at school. I guess home school is out. We miss you guys and would like to get up there once we move back east.

Eliza said...

I completely agree. Our local school is all-day and I think it's too long for 5-year-olds too. My friend whose daughter is in kindergarten disagrees, but she thinks it's because she has worked full-time with her daughters in day care in the past and so they are used to it. I can understand that.

But really...5-year-olds! They have their whole lives to be gone all day every day, why start so early?? (except maybe for the child care issue for working parents.)

Fortunately Theo has a January b-day so won't even be in preschool for a while. Maybe we won't be in the same school district by the time he's 5. Who knows.

Hansen Family said...

I agree with you Mel and No Hershey does not have all day Kindergarten yet. Hopefully not.

Jen said...

Kevan was in all day Kindg. last year. I complained about it for months before it started. The first couple months were exhausting for him, but then he got into the routine. Though I still disagree with all day Kinderg. he LOVED school and accomplished amazing things his first year at school. Good luck this fall!

Caroline said...

It's so hard, Owen loves his "days off" from Pre-K too. Sometimes I just wish they could go to school half-days through 4th grade or something. Then we could spend more time "learning" by going more places and having lots of experiences. This would save school districts tonz of money because a teacher could teach two classes in one day. The class size would be smaller too. The only thing is parents would have to be more responsible, and be more involved in their child's education. But it could be optional. Would you do it?

Cheryl said...

You already know how I feel as I called you the minute I found out Virginia has joined the all day group. It is a pretty bad sign when I still have 6 months and am already crying! My big worry is what to do with lexi (the yonger sibling) who is dependent on older sister for a good time. I need to just cut and paste your posts to my blog...this one, florida montage, steel or valentine idea, etc. !!!! (I did finally post some florida stuff and will get pictures to you soon.) miss ya

Katie said...

I totally agree!!! Here in Texas our district is only all day Kindergarten. In addition, the kids only have 1 recess a day for 15 min. After they eat lunch, they have to sit at the table in silence until they are finished and if they get to school early they have to sit in the hallway in silence until the bell rings. Sure they boast high test scores (but teaching to the test is another soap box for me), but really- let kids be kids! Play is important too!! The trend I see here is that parents who work love the schedule and shm's don't like it. Unfortunately, we're the minority.

Abs said...

I'm not that close to having a Kindergartener, but I know my sister's both disagree with whole days. Nothing wrong with a half a day in my eyes.

Medical School Graduation

Medical School Graduation
May 20, 2007 Hershey, PA