Sunday, April 13, 2008

I just have to vent about...

Why does everyone around here keep telling me that I have to put James in preschool?!! Actually- I don't have to and I am tired of it being such a status symbol around here. "So, where does your child go to preschool...why not?...ohhhh really." People pay between $4,000-$9,000 to put their kids in preschool around here and I think it is CRAZY. I personally can't afford that, and I wouldn't pay it if I could. I feel like a lot of mom's or nanny's do it to get a break, and I totally understand that, believe my I know about needing a break- but I would just like people to stop telling me I have to do it and I better hurry so we can get a spot!
I love being home with my kids and teaching them their colors, numbers, letters, shapes, how to dribble a basketball, how to kick a soccer ball, how to finger paint, cut with scissors, tell stories, to use polite manners, how to buy things at a store, how to share, how to care and the whole bit! We have a fun playgroup and do lots of outings and they have church each week, which teaches them how to behave in a classroom setting.
I have nothing against preschool and I am very excited for Zanna to start Pre-K in the fall and know she will love it.(I will miss her though, but am excited for one-on-one time with James.) These last few years have been priceless to me and I am so glad I had this time with my kids at home to play with them and teach them and laugh with them- they crack me up everyday!
So, I just had to vent and say that you don't HAVE to put your kids in preschool, but more importantly you just have to do what you feel is right, not what all the other mom's are doing.


Katie said...

Well said! I'm glad someone agrees with me!

Caroline said...

I agree with you, people are really funny about preschool. I'm glad you're not giving into the "Have to" philosophy. You've always had so much fun with your kiddos and been such a great example. Yahoo for Mom's and kids hanging out all day together and enjoying it!!!

Wendy P said...

I love your venting. and Amen sister! I stopped watchin american idol when I left Hershey. I wasn't liking the contestants anymore. But I am getting the idea that this year I need to check it out again. I am hearing something about real talent and stuff. I miss my AI girl nights!

martieandtom said...

Mel, you're a good job! Way to go and keep it up! I love you, and let's talk soon!

Jill said...

I have people ask me the same question...and the beautiful thing is that our kiddos start school...and somehow they thrive just like the preschool kids! Who would have thought! :) Tell the family hey from us!

Abs said...

I really like your family picture on the top of your blog. You guys make such a beautiful family. I'm so grateful that we feel like it is important for us to educate our children. A break is nice, but a mom watching her child learn and grow is something you will treasure forever.

Raegan said...

Melanie... WHO ON EARTH ARE YOU TALKING TO? I need to slap these people for you! Personally, I don't think Pre-School is a big deal. However, once Jack is potty trained I would totally consider it (because he loves being with other kids). Don't listen to the snooty Mom's around here. Heck, don't even look at 'em. I have gone to the park a few times in the past couple weeks and I want to just slap the mom's that come to the park to supervise their nannies! As some one who has had that job, I can say they desperately need a reality slap! Love 'ya!

Dave and Mel said...

Hey, just wanted to say thanks for all the great comments- it is so nice to have friends like you who get what I'm feeling- you guys are awesome, and Wendy- you should watch AI!

Medical School Graduation

Medical School Graduation
May 20, 2007 Hershey, PA