Monday, August 24, 2009

a little venting...

So, I've been thinking about all the inconvenient things about living in New York lately and thought I would write about them-- but, then I thought-- wait a minute, am I just being a spoiled, ungrateful person? So, you make the call- do I have a right to think NY is incredibly inconvenient?

List of Inconveniences
- I live in the top corner of our 6 floor building, so anytime I forget something when I get to the car or we are outside playing and need bathroom/water/toy etc. it is up, up, up we go!
Pro- at least we have an elevator

-On the same note, I am dreaming of the day where I don't have to load the groceries/Costco goods into my stroller and rolling cart, through the parking lot, up the ramp, up the elevator and down the hall to our apartment
Pro- I get a little exercise and at least we have money for food?

- I cannot even put into words what it is like to drive around here--so FRUSTRATING!!
Because there are so many people living in such a small area and so few parking spots for all of these people, everyone thinks they can just pullover, stop, sneak past, brake and meander any way they want and it kills me. I actually like driving in the city better than on Long Island- people are nutso out here!
Pro- I have a car to drive.

- I live on an Island and cannot come and go without a bridge, traffic and paying a toll! I didn't realize how much this would bother me, but I get this claustrophobic feeling when I consider exactly what's around me. I just don't like the feeling of not being able to come and go as I please to my own home.
Pro- we LOVE going to the beach :)
Con- you have to PAY to go to the beach- lame.

- $20 bills around here drop like $1 bills other places. We went out to Fire Island for Resident's Day last week and it cost us $78 just to park and get to the island on the ferry. It was a nice beach, but I'm not sure it was THAT nice. Somedays I just can't figure out how people afford to live here- and besides family- why they choose to stay here!
Pro- if you have money, there are lots of ways to spend it..does that count as a pro?

- Our closets are bursting with STUFF because of the lack of closets. I know I should just have less STUFF but since I don't, things fall on my head and you have to take 3 things out to get the one thing you need in the back and we are constantly rearranging.
Pro- we have all that we need and more

- Long Island is definitely lacking in the frozen yogurt, fountain drinks and convenient drive-thru departments. Most gas stations only sell bottled soda, if that, and I can't even think of a place to get frozen yogurt that isn't at least 15 min. away. These may seem like petty things, but considering my love of frozen desserts and Dave's love of fountain drinks-- it is highly inconvenient to us.
Pro- it saves calories, fat and money to not have these things nearby

Okay, I think I am done for now. There are other things that bug me about living here, but I wouldn't trade these years for anything! It has been pretty amazing to live so close to NYC and we have tried to live it up for the past 2 years and will make the most out of our last year here. The friends we have are Spectacular and I love the people in our ward- so loving, funny and individual in their own way :) We love having so many visitors and are telling you to come now before we are gone!

The big picture is that we love it/hate it, can't get enough/have had enough, and will be so sad/happy for our next adventure! I feel like I have a dual-personality disorder when it comes to my life here. I love it here, but the day-to-day is a little.... inconvenient.


Anonymous said...

just looking at the picture, yes you're just being spoiled!
Only kidding.
I remember feeling the EXACT same way living in downtown Philly on the 25th floor, and parking 3 blocks away. At least I didn't have kids at the time.
We loved/hated it too! But, now that we live in major suburbia, we look back on those times and wish we were still there (JD mostly) and me sometimes. :)

Danielle said...

Aw, cute post Mel! If it makes you feel better, Oklahoma is pretty much the exact opposite. Wide open spaces, land for miles and miles, a plethora of convenient stores and Sonic (most importantly), large homes for low cost.... BUT there is nothing to do! So enjoy having NYC at your fingertips because around here a night at the park is about as good as it gets. It's always nice to have a happy medium =)

Martie said...

Mel, I am impressed that you are finding "silver linings" behind the clouds. That's a great way to live! For me, the pros have been visiting you there in NY. . . so fun! And, of course, the cons are not seeing you guys enough; so thank you for being such a great blogger. I love, love, love all the pictures and commentary that you post! Keep it up. It's great "family history" work! Love you! Mom

Michelle said...

you absolutely have the right to vent....that's what blogs are for! I actually love hearing about your life there. If I don't get up there and visit I'll be so mad at myself. I've only been talking about it for 2 years! really? 2 years? I feel like you've always got family visiting, so I don't want to schedule a visit when it's totally inconvenient for you. We are going to Utah for Christmas, but that would be so lame if we both had to go to Utah to hang out! Although, I'll take what I can get! love you!

Eliza said...

I am scheduling a visit right...NOW! Can we come some weekend in the fall? I have been telling Matt since we moved to DC that I want to make a NY trip and it hasn't happened. I have only been to NY in the dead of winter and heat of summer. And you have still never met Ida! It's settled, we have to come!! October? September? Let's talk!

Caroline said...

ha ha I love your venting! I can just imagine things falling on your head. And that's interesting the driving on Long Island is worse than NYC. Who would have known? btw did you ever get that A.C. fixed?

Dave and Mel said...

Caroline- our AC is still broken- the part is on back order they say until the end of Sept.- ridiculous!!

Michelle- you better get up here soon, but it would be fun to see you in UT at Christmas time too!

Liza- we have been waiting for you and the Filmore's to get up here!! I need to meet Miss Eliza, I cannot believe she is going to be 1 and we haven't met!

Abs said...

I love that you are so positive despite the things that irk you. I should try ot have that attitude more...

goldmania said...

you are so funny. I remember feeling like that so many times. Looking back now, there are things I hated that I miss. Dumb... :) At least you are an awesome person and make the best out of anything. :)

Rachel said...

I hear ya--you've already heard me :) NYC is AWESOME! and it has been way cool being able to live out here, but dude. My two biggest complaints are the drivers and how much everything costs. Maybe we can try to be friends with JLo or Katie Holmes so we can get the hookups huh?

Bryn said...

It is so cool that you live where you live and have been able to do so much, but I can imagine how hard it is with money (especially now that I've had to totally stretch a residents paycheck), and people everywhere. We miss you guys!

Cheryl said...

Vent away Girl!!!! I just love your positive twist on each one.

Raegan said...

I think this is the best post by far! We all need a little honest venting now and then. You can't even consider it real venting because you listed a "pro" with everything! I have a very Love/Hate realationship with NYC. Brian and I have been kicking around the idea of moving upstate and already I'm like 'Oh, but what about my friends? What about my pediatrician? I love them...' etc. Moral is: I can TOTALLY relate!

Dave and Loralee said...

lol-I "get" you :) I had the same love/hate relationship with cleveland. we were going to make a scrapbook with all the "cleveland specials" that drove us nuts but were quirky enough to make us love the area too. but we didn't get around to it. so VENT AWAY...and scrap about it :)

Chris and Suzette said...

OK, I am now officially NERVOUS about heading up there in June for a YEAR! Why is it that they CONS took so much to describe and the PROS seemed very meager?
I REALLY wish you were still going to be there to "hold my hand" for the year :) We are so NOT New Yorker type people . . ..

Gabby and Jason said...

Ugh, some fun things to look forward to experiencing here! We already feel ya on a few of them (namely, the driving and the high costs!).
p.s. Cute blog! I'm glad I found it. :)

Medical School Graduation

Medical School Graduation
May 20, 2007 Hershey, PA