Thursday, April 30, 2009

gardening and such...

We officially own land! 
(well...technically it's the hospital's, but we dug it so it's is ours for now)

We finally started a garden- something we wanted to do last year but never got to it,  and the kids were very excited to go dig in the dirt with dad. He bought them their own little shovel and Zanna worked by his side for about 2 hours straight.  James didn't quite stay-the-course but loved his frog boots and shows everyone his new shovel.
We are going to plant tomatoes, squash, cucumber, peppers, carrots, herbs and some other things--can't remember right now--but it is going to be good. Our neighbor brought us a lot of fresh veggies from her little plot last year and they were so yummy so hopefully we'll have the same success.

Zanna is getting a head start with the gardening thing and planted some sunflower seeds at school.  It was very dry 2 days ago and I thought it was going to die, but I add some water and the next day we had these two beautiful sunflower plants- we did a little sunflower dance to show our excitement :)
Funny Faces with Payton and Halle!

Funnier faces with our cool friends.
click on the picture above for a good look at these faces and a good laugh!
this is me for the last two weeks...
i guess it could be worse.


Aimee and Mark said...

How are you feeling? Hope that foot is getting better fast. I'm so glad your Mom came out to take care of you--you're Mom is an awesome lady. And I'm glad you had such a great time with Mindy and her fam. Miss you!!! Oh, and good luck with your garden. :)

Jessica F. said...

We are so totally jealous of the garden. NOTHING better than fresh veggie... well maybe a foot that is all better. How are you?

Gabriel and Amber Spencer said...

Ew, Cindy's eyes!!! It made my eyes water looking at them. So funny. Miss the gang.

Michelle said...

what a fun little garden! and you look so cute all set up on your couch! I love it! I bet the garden will be awesome! good luck!

Medical School Graduation

Medical School Graduation
May 20, 2007 Hershey, PA