Monday, January 31, 2011

Welcoming in the New Year!

WELCOME 2011!!

We are trying to live it up out here in California since we are only here for one year and that means swimming at any chance we can get. When the temperatures were in the 60's and the sun was shining--Dave and the kids were in the pool!

Another thing we love out here-- riding bikes in January with our cute neighbors.  This was our train of kiddos we took to the park and often how we look going to school (this is only two families, ours and the Pearsons :) 

We were so lucky to get a visit from Gabby, a special friend from NY!
She comes to CA for work and made a special visit to come see us. This kids were very excited to show her everything new and we had a great brownie filled visit-- thanks for coming Gabby!!

 Mia's new bib from Ikea...she is now out of the Bumbo and in a regular highchair, making messes on a regular basis...
 I have never been very good about letting my babies just make messes of themselves every's just so... MESSY EVERY MEAL!! I have always liked feeding them with a spoon and wiping them up constantly but I am trying to let go of that tendency and just let Mia do her thing.  
It is actually very fun and funny to watch and I know she is so much happier when she is in control... here's the proof...

 Bon Appetit!


Caroline said...

I'm so jealous of the warmer weather! The kids look like they're having a blast swimming in January:) My pregnant stomach couldn't handle Mia's meal. Totally disgusting, but she sure is digging it!

Cheryl said...

Love the glasses...jealous of the weather! Mindy's baby boy is awesome! You and Dave make a great Mary and Joseph. Nothing like holidays with the family. Happy to see yours was awesome as they all should be. Miss you guys oodles!

Gabby and Jason said...

Yay, so fun to have seen you guys, brief as it was! Next time, I'll be sure to plan it so that we can have a longer visit. (Or maybe next time, you should come here to NY!)

Medical School Graduation

Medical School Graduation
May 20, 2007 Hershey, PA