Sunday, January 16, 2011

Cousins from Idaho...

the first week of December brought the Idaho Mumfords to California for a little visit and we had a FABULOUS could you not with this bunch!

A view from Foothill Park with Maria, Alison, Lucy, James, Isaac, Zanna Goldie and Harrison--what an awesome crew! 
 Goldie is quite the little cilmber
 We had a blast with our cousins and felt so lucky to get this one-on-one time with them
 Even making a face like this, she is still so beautiful!
 Alison and I making our best Miss America smiles
 After Foothill Park we headed over to Half Moon Bay and ran around in the cold waves while the sun went down.  Brett met us there after his HUGE test (which he passed with flying colors) and it was great to have that stress over with and just play at the beach. 
 The kids got soaking wet and were freezing by the end so we headed back home by way of In-n-Out Burger and felt so "Californian"
 just a cute little moment I caught...
 had to get a picture of the family on THE MANSTAD :)
Instead of going to the lame hotel, Alison and 3 of the kids slept out here the first night they arrived after missing their flight and being in airports all day--we were so glad to finally have them here!
 On Friday we headed up to San Fran and of course stopped at Ghirardelli 
 I had to let her taste...
 her first chocolate ice cream at 7 months--and she loved it!
 me and my bro
 brett and Isaac caught pigeons on Pier 39 and everyone wanted to hold them (except me)
 even Mia knew how to hold on 
 the trolley rides were a highlight of the trip
seeing the city "SF" style
 look at all those wreaths!!
 the HUGE tree in Union Square...our first time in SF at Christmas time, it was Beautiful!
 Hanging out in the room on Sat. morning while Brett and Al were running a 50k and Marathon in the rain, trees, and cliffs of the coast--they are amazing!
 Lu and was so fun to hang out all day with you great gals!
 the little shore in front of Ghirardelli Square with the Golden Gate bridge in the background
 For $3 James got a really cute portrait that actually looked like him. (Zanna got one too, but it wasn't as good )
 watching the street artists make the spray paint posters---the kids could have watched them all day
 cute Mia.
Cute James.
 Cute Harry
 Cute Goldie.
 Merry Christmas "G"
 We didn't want to drive away from these cute people and can't wait to play more when we move a little closer...see you in Lava!

Love you guys- thanks for coming out!


Raegan said...

You guys are amazing! I get tired just watching you! It's good to see you are enjoying your time on the west coast. Jack still asks if James will be here soon... Heartbreaking. : (

Caroline said...

Looks like so much fun! I can't believe you can do so much outside stuff in December:) I guess that's why everyone loves California. Cousin time is the best! I'm glad they all got to play together, and yes they are all super cute.

Medical School Graduation

Medical School Graduation
May 20, 2007 Hershey, PA