Saturday, August 13, 2011

I live in Idaho...

Tonight I took the kids to the Bannock County Fair in Pocatello while Dave was at work and I just realized  how much I was analyzing this new place that I live by what was going on around me.  It probably isn't fair to judge a town by what you see and hear at the county fair, but here goes...

The quilts were good, the crafts were mediocre, the bottled peaches were pretty and we did see one big zucchini-- but they had nothing on the Amish and I knew I wasn't in Hershey anymore!  I used to LOVE to drive down to Lancaster County and just drive around the farms, see the men out in the fields with their old-fashioned plows and horses, buy fresh produce from the stands on the side of the road where there was always shoe-fly pie and whoopie pies for sale too and just take in how beautiful, simple and peaceful it was out there.  We also used to go to the Farm Show every year in Harrisburg and comparing that to tonight's fair made Bannock County feel pretty dinky, small-town and I have to say it...pathetic.  The animals, the scenes carved out of butter, the huge arena for horses shows, the room full of the best farm and fair food you've ever had and the most amazing home-grown produce made the Farm Show a must and something I just might go back for one of these years (Micki, I know you will come with me!) I loved living in Hershey and think I will always miss it, no matter where I am.

Moving on, I knew I wasn't in New York anymore because the parking and the admission were both FREE and there were no lines!  We parked amongst a bunch of big rigs with our new Idaho license plates and just walked right in...loved it! I didn't see any name-brand $1000 strollers, like you see all over Central Park and I saw many belt buckles and boots that weren't "in-style" but actually just what people wear everyday.  I didn't see any nannies watching the kids, just lots of dirty happy kids running around  barefoot while their parents sat back and enjoyed the Karaoke and dirt bike tricksters.  The ice cream treats were only $1.00 and I really new I wasn't in NY then and we all got our own instead of sharing one for the whole family!  I did miss the evening fireflies, the option of kosher or non-kosher food, the lack of cultural diversity among the folks and the option of taking the train home since I was tired by the end of the night (but it only took about 10-minutes to get home :)  

This place was definitely not Palo Alto!  There were no recycle and compost bins next to the tin garbage cans, nothing was organic and I didn't see one person who had ridden their bike to the fair!  The kids weren't pulling out Trader Joe's snacks from their mom's bags and I didn't see one pair of Vibram fivefinger shoes walking around.  We did see lots of people getting their exercise by shaking it on the karaoke dance floor, some cute dance numbers in the finals of American Idol Talent of Pocatello and all the kids got a great cardio workout on the bounce houses, greased-pole climb and sumo-suit wrestling.  I loved our year in expensive Palo Alto because we were able to bike, scooter or walk just about anywhere and I felt very safe there (except for the few sketchy park dwellers behind our house :)  I haven't met too many people here in Pocatello yet, but I'm hopeful they'll be as great as those in Palo Alto, New York and Hershey because I miss my friends!!

It's fun to think about all the places we've lived and the experiences we've had over the last 8 years that have led us to this point.  We are still settling in here and figuring out if this is the place for us, but so far Dave loves his job, the kids have made some really nice friends on our street and Mia is loving a house big enough to have her own room and to run around in! I love having the park and walking trail behind us, a washer and dryer, a dishwasher and our printer all under one roof-- it is a dream come true!

Thanks for all your help and support getting us here, and go to your County Fair this summer-- it's an eye-opening experience!

Hershey Days

New York Days

Palo Alto Days

(had to put a picture of my laundry shed from little house in Palo Alto :)

The Fam at Half Moon Bay


Meredith said...

Love this post. Love the picture of you guys kissing with the statue of liberty in the middle. So fun. Can't wait to come visit you guys.
We were just in Menlo Park, Half Moon Bay this past week. Don't you just love it there?
Hope you keep loving Idaho and its simplicity. :)

Jill said...
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Jenny said...

Come visit us in Cache Valley if you get lonely....we're not too far away!

Katie said...

LOVE your post - so happy to hear from you. Emmy asked me if we could skype with you guys sometime . . . would you be up for it?

goldmania said...

I hated TX when we first got here but we love it now. You have lived in some GREAT places. Never known you to not make a ton of friends quickly. :) It will get better soon, I'm sure. And, think of all the cool places you have friends and get to go back and visit. So happy you have a in house cleaning now!!! :)

Meagan said...

You definitely need to save any "fair going" for the Eastern Idaho State Fair. It does not have any butter sculptures (or dreamy, thick milkshakes) that the farm show has, but it rivals in other things "fair-y". You guys have lived in some cool places. Pocatello might take some getting used to, but it will grow on you.

P.S. We need to set up a play date. I was just in Idaho Falls this weekend and I totally should have called you!

Michelle said...

what a great post. Really. How fun to hear about all the different places you've been! I loved visiting you in pennsylvania, and I don't know if I ever told you that there was an Amish Market in Maryland that we'd go to, and all I can say it YUM! and the furniture was amazing! Can't wait to hear more about Pocatello. I actually just heard that one of the docs out here in our ward, who has been at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center for almost 6 years is going to the hospital in Pocatello next year. (I think next year) - I'm sure it's got to be the same hospital. His name is Peter Jones.

meagan said...

This is awesome and makes me a little "home-sick" too. I laughed out loud, and then nearly cried:) I love your family pictures on the beach. We love your family!

Rachel said...

Isn't it fun to get to experience and get to know each new place? There are things I totally love (and miss) and then don't so much love about each of the places we've lived. Knowing you, you will make the best of even the less than perfect things and also find all the totally awesome things that are unique to Pokey to enjoy. I think small town livin' sounds mighty fine. ;)

Martie said...

It seems that in Idaho, the term "good ol' boys" takes on new meaning. . . belt buckles, barefoot kids, farmers, and pick-up trucks, etc. A lot of wonderful people come from Idaho including most of your grandparents! You'll learn to love it, just like everywhere else you've lived ... and it will love you guys, too! Lucky Pocatello! Love your new picture. Thanks for a great blog!
Love you lots!

The Harrises said...

Heck yes (that's what they say in Idaho) I am coming with you to the farm show. That was beautifully written. I loved the comparisons. I swear I have done more soul searching in this past month. What is it? Is it that we're done? It's permanent? I wish someone would point me in the direction I need to go.
Finding her niche soon
Hope you do too.

Medical School Graduation

Medical School Graduation
May 20, 2007 Hershey, PA