Thanks for being excited for us and our crazy news!
I am 13.5 weeks along right now and feeling pretty good. I've had the nighttime nausea and have thrown up a couple of times....for the first time in all 4 pregnancies, but I can't complain compared to what some people have to go through! We ARE going to find out BOY or GIRL this time (last two were surprises) and should know end of July-ish.
The craziest thing about this timing is that Mia and the baby will be 19 months apart, exactly the same distance as Zanna and James--I guess that is just what works for us. So, two pairs with 5 years in-between, who would've thought!
We knew we wanted a friend for Mia, but this was a little sooner than we were expecting and we were a little surprised, but very excited after it all sunk in. Our Christmas season will be a little different than we were expecting but a great way to celebrate and be together. Another crazy year of moves and babies!
Moving news...
The kids and I are leaving California on July 2nd and driving to Utah (with Mindy- yay!) to hang out while Dave finishes work here through the 8th. The movers are coming--let me repeat, THE MOVERS ARE COMING (yes, the hospital is moving us and our moving "coordinator" has told us to call him if we ever feel like we have to lift a box--so amazing!) They are packing, loading, hauling and setting up out stuff in Pocatello. Dave will oversee the move here on the 12th and then come out to Utah for a few days and then we will meet our truck and stuff sometime that third week of July.
So, I will be in SLC July 3rd-16th if anyone wants to play!
We are very excited to see what Pocatello has in store for us and are hopeful that we will love it there and love feeling more settled after all these years. We have always been blessed with great friends and have learned to love to places we have been so just hoping that will happen again.
We are renting a house for now and will look to buy something once we get there and can scope out the homes and neighborhoods more closely.
We are sad, sad, sad to leave our friends here in Palo Alto and have really loved it here and all the amazing things there are to do and the all the great food to eat!! The friends we have here have made this year so much fun and we will really miss our school, ward and great people all around us-- we hope to come back and visit!
So...that's our news-- big changes and crazy times!
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
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Medical School Graduation

May 20, 2007 Hershey, PA
What exciting, crazy, amazing eventful times you have ahead! We sure miss the Francis family and I'm sad we won't catch up in UT this summer. We will be thinking about ya and hope the move goes well. Congrats again on everything.
we are SOOOOO hanging out in Utah! i'll be there from July 4 - Aug 10!
I'm glad you're finding out, I'm dying to know if you'll be 2 to 2, or 3 to 1. Can't wait to see you in a few weeks!
I just found your blog - YAY! i've been having sooo much fun reading what James and Zanna say - so HILARIOUS! Seriously, James is one of the funniest kids ever! My blog is
Congratulations! Baby, move, someone to drive to Utah with, and MOVERS! Lots of good things. We'll miss being Bay Area Neighbors.
Melanie!! So excited for you! We will have to stop by in Pocatello on our way to I.F. or Island Park...we have movers coming next week too, I feel so weird not is great though! We will have to meet up, it has been way to long since we've seen each other! Good luck with everything!
Fun to read your blog tonight. Good luck with your move! I'm so sad we're missing each other in Utah by only a few days. I've had a great time with my family and am ready to go home to Mark now. Give me a call if you get a minute in all your busy-ness!
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