Sunday, March 20, 2011

St. Patty's Day for James

The Day Before St. Patrick's Day...

James:  "Today we learned about these little guys that are really greedy and want to steal your money."

Me: "What? What guys are you talking about, robbers?

James: "No, those little guys that are really greedy....I think it starts with an "L."

Me: "Ohhh, realizing what day it was tomorrow...Leprechauns?

James: "YES! Leprechauns!! The are little men who love gold and you can try to find them at the end of a rainbow, but they live in green fields so that they can hide from people.  They are really sneaky and clever, even though I don't know what that means, and they wear green and are always trying to find your money."

Zanna: "Are you sure that they are real?"

James: "Yes, I think so because I learned about them in Kindergarten."

It was such an enthusiastic conversation and I loved hearing James going on and on about these little greedy men that chase rainbows and hide in the fields looking for gold!!! (I mean really, how cool is that?)

The next day at school (St. Patrick's Day), all the Kindergartners found "Gold" scattered around the playground equipment and grass and they each brought a baggie home feeling very rich.

James:  "Mom, if you go to the bank and they won't give you any money I will give you some of my gold and you can buy stuff at the store with it."

later that night...

James: "Mom, at school we made a chart with three rows- YES, NO and MAYBE and every child put their shamrock in the row about if they believe in Leprechauns.  I put mine in the MAYBE row, but now that I found the gold, I am going to move it to YES."

When I walked James to his classroom the first thing he did was walk over the chart and change his shamrock to YES.
I was talking to his teacher, Mr. Morris, at the time about something else and as I was talking I noticed Mr. Morris watching James change his answer and smile.

Mr Morris: "Wow, he just changed his answer.  I've never had a child do that before, that is very good thinking."

(I couldn't help but smile and have a little proud parent moment :)

James just needed some concrete evidence and once he saw the gold, it was a solid deal-- Leprechauns Live!


Chris and Suzette said...

I love it! I am totally sitting here laughing. Thanks for the Monday morning smile :)

Caroline said...

He is so cute. I love that you wrote it all down, then you won't forget it:) I love his "up" hair.

Meredith said...

that's awesome!

Cheryl said...

you've got one grown up boy on your hands mel! He cracks me up and I'm just trying to picture each of his facial expressions as he retold you about his day! thanks for the blog encouragement after my mile long x-mas post. I did get 1 more up now just about 7 more to ya!

Martie said...

That's my James! I hope he never loses his enthusiasm and zest for learning! We could all take a lesson from him! Thanks for sharing another "choice" story! Keep 'em coming!

Michelle said...

That is so dang cute Mel. What a cute little personality. I love when kids are totally convinced of things.

Medical School Graduation

Medical School Graduation
May 20, 2007 Hershey, PA