Dexter Michael Francis
8lb. 20z
(our new little nephew)
He is so ADORABLE and I'm sure our visit put Amanda into labor two weeks early!!
Whoa, them some good lookin' big mama's! -Dave
(this was taken two days before Dexter was born)
Kids loved "the wii wall" at Mike and Amanda's
little man fillmore
This is the only picture we have of the night we all hung out, it's a cute one, but I should have taken more of the whole gang!
Space shuttles, concord, blackbird - what do we want picture of . . . the little dress-up girl.
Air and Space Museum at Dulles Airport
you can watch the planes land from a simulated air-traffic control tower at the museum
Dave and Mike "Just Dance" Wii game-- highlight of the trip ;)
We LOVED seeing you. Wish we could have spent more time. Next time...
You look AMAZING btw! (mel)
you were here and you didn't call!!!!! so sad!!!!!
You are looking fantastic. (As though i would expect any less.) I just had to put in my guess that you are having a girl. I read through your comments and see that most people are guessing that, but I must argue that I thought that before being swayed by such comments. Either way he/she will be a doll. (Oh and FYI, everytime my sister and I get together she wants me to go to your blog to read her all the funny things your kids say. It has provided us hours of entertainment. Cute kids!)
It was fun to hear Zanna's giggles over the video. I couldn't tell which one was Dave until towards the end.
The post scared me, I thought it was you baby being posed up there! How ya feelin'?
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