I've been thinking about how I want to announce this for a long time now, but I just decided to let the little one show him/her self!!
I am due May 11th and we are SOOOOOOOOO EXCITED to meet this little one and have a new baby in our family again.
I am 9 1/2 weeks and I feel really good--little tired and STARVING every couple of hours (which I don't remember with the other two) but those things are manageable and I am just grateful...
Zanna & James are already blessing the baby every night in their prayers and talking about being great helpers. Zanna says she's even more excited 'cause we don't know if it's a boy or girl. She wants a girl and James wants a boy- go figure- so either way someone will be happy :)
Dave and I can't decide if we want to find out what we are having, we are just happy to be having a baby and will decided when the time comes...

francis baby #3
8weeks 2 days
yay for you!! I can just imagine how cute the kids are being so excited. :) Congrats, love ya
Congratulations to you guys! Sounds like this baby will be coming pretty close to the end of your residency. From the looks of the ultrasound this one is a cutie just like brother and sister.
WOO HOO!!!! congrats girl! I am so excited for you guys! Your kids are going to be such great siblings! They're so cute, and I am so excited for you guys! yeah yeah yeah!
I'm so excited for you! Kids are the best!
Congrats Melanie! What exciting news!
YEAH!!!!!!!!! Love how you just snuck that in there with your comment! I'm glad you are getting prepared. I'm amazed at all the little gadgets they keep coming out with that we didn't have when Ky and Zanna were born. That sounds like something our parents should be saying and I already am with it only being 5 years. We are so excited for you and happy to hear you are feeling pretty well. HOW EXCITING!
YAY!!! I'm so happy for you!!!! of COURSE whatever it is will be SOOOO adorable just like zanna and james :)
Oh SO happy for you. another sweet little Francis baby to bless your home, can't wait to meet him or her!! I am thinking boy for some reason. or maybe girl. Can't decide. haha.
We're having the same debate- to find out or be surprised. We have 3 weeks to decide!
Congrats!!! So exciting. :) You guys make very cute and funny kids. Keep having them!!
Again, congrats! The world will be a greater place with another Francis running around. It will also be funnier.
CONGRATS CONGRATS!!! wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy :). xox.
Hey, We are thrilled with this news! We're so happy that you are adding #19 to our flock of amazing, sweet grandkids! Wow, do we ever feel blessed!! Hope you continue to feel good! Love you!
Congrats Francis Family!!!
my vote would be to NOT find out what you are having-we didn't with our third and it was SOOOO much fun. anyways, sorry to be a blurker! your family is adorable- so happy for you guys-tell dave hi from me...
adrian (thomas) gatherum
Congratulations! What happy news! I'm excited for your family!
Horray! I am so excited for you guys. So fun for James and Zanna to be older sibs. That baby is going to be loved to bits!
Yahoo!!! You guys have the cutest kids, and I can't wait to see another one! Congratulations. I hope everything goes great with the pregnancy and I'll be watching for updates.
Oh mel....I dropped off the blogging world after we got sick and am just getting caught up!!!! I am SOOOO excited for you guys. Tell Zanna Babysitter and Mr. Jameson that I think they are going to be awesome big sister and brother..they were so cute with my little Kaysen! I am glad you are feeling good and I hope it lasts! Congrats guys!!!!
You will LOVE the third. Especially with the little break in between. It's like having an ONLY baby but you aren't as stressed because you know how to do it!! SO EXCITING.
try to stay away from the swine flu. It's everywhere here. We all got vaccinated, but not in time and we ALL had the flu. But just get on tamaflu if you get it -- it works like a charm. I am so hoping it passes you by.
YAY again. That is just so great. If you can wait I think it would be fun to not find out what you're having. I am not that patient. :)
And I'm so impressed the kids were on AFV. We love that show!! My kids beg me everyday to send in a video.
How fun.
Wow! I don't know how I missed this vital post but I only just discovered it now! Congrats congrats congrats! I have always considered you to be the cutest pregnant lady, and you know how much I adore your current offspring. So all in all I am delighted!
Melanie! I just saw your post (I'm so behind on blog reading :-) Congratulations! That is very exciting news! I hope you are still feeling well!
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