Monday, September 24, 2007

the dentist

See this cute little face... well it wasn't so cute as I was chasing her down at the dentist's office today! This was her first check-up, so I understand that she was nervous, but watch out- this girl can throw a fit like no other. I had to hold her on my lap with my legs crossed over hers and my arms wrapped around her arms. It took 2 assistants holding her down and the dentist holding her head just to count her teeth, brush them and put the fluoride on. It was ridiculous. They even had a princess toothbrush, stickers, a pack off bubblegum and I had promised to get blue ice cream with sprinkles at Cold Stone if she let them look at her teeth nicely- we did NOT get ice cream today. Granted, she has always been terrified of the doctor as well, so I think she has a true fear that something will hurt, but when do you draw the line and just say "sorry, but it has to be done!" So, it is over now, but I just wanted to wish all first time dentist goers (and parents of the first timer) - hope your appt. goes better than Miss Zanna's!


Katie said...

Sounds like my Savannah and Zanna have even more in common! We had to visit the dentist when she was 13 mos. old since she face planted on the tile and chipped a tooth. I totally sympathize with you and am not looking forward to next time- even though I did find a great pediatric dentist!

Eliza said...

I'll be honest, I kinda feel that way whenever I go to the dentist, or ob-gyn. The only difference obviously is that I am a grownup and so I just have to sit there and be normal. But I am generally nervous and waiting for everything to hurt.

Here's hoping time #2 will be better, and also that James will do OK on his first time. I actually brushed Theo's teeth for the first time yesterday (I'm a slacker, he's had teeth for like 3 months). Well it was more of a group effort since I held his arms down while Matt did the brushing. I'll tell you though it was a big, big pain and I'd rather not do it again.

Michelle said...

Hey Mel...what a funny story. So sorry about the drama at the dentist. I was probably exactly the same way when I was her age. I just got my 6 month reminder to go to my dentist and I am terrified! Just for a check-up! so lame. Love ya! Damon and James definitely need to get together - thamks for the comment on my blog :)

Caroline said...

Ha ha! Zanna sure has spice! The whole time I was reading this I was wondering where James was. Hopefully not watching and learning from her:) At least you're done for the next 6 months.

We did the dentist thing a few months ago and Owen loved it but I think it was because of the T.V.'s on the ceiling. If you're dentist didn't have this then I recommend changing. It was awesome!

Jill said...

I love you Zanna, you were always the perfect child, so it is nice to hear a story like this! Jill

Medical School Graduation

Medical School Graduation
May 20, 2007 Hershey, PA