Saturday, June 5, 2010

one month down!

Mia is 4 1/2 weeks old today!!
This has been the fastest month of my life.
I took her to her 1 month check-up yesterday and she is so BIG!
She weighed 9lb 9oz. and was 21.5 inches long.
She gained 3 pounds and grew 2.5 inches in a month--that's a lot!
Her cheeks and thighs are plumping up nicely and we are battling the baby acne monster (she's got it pretty bad :(
She is a great sleeper at night and gets fussy in the evening for a little bit, but not too bad--we're just so happy she's not colicky like Zanna was.
She loves to lay on her tummy and loves to be held, which we don't mind.
We can't wait for more people to meet her and love our sweet baby girl!

Zanna and James both won awards this past week for the bags they colored for Eco Fest and Earth Day. The Supervisor of the Town of North Hempstead chose a few kids from a number of schools in the area and we were so surprised and proud that they both won.

They had a recognition at a nearby country club and all the kids got called up individually and got their picture taken with the Supervisor and received a reusable shopping bag, a white pine tree to plant and a really cool certificate made in Nepal out of special paper that you can plant and grow flowers neat is that!
We also had cookies and juice and it was just a fun night for us all.
Good Job kiddos- we love you!


Jill said...

She is so beautiful!! She looks like she has her own darling little look. Her eyes are so pretty! I hope we can get together in Utah, we will be leaving that day for a family reunion in Island Park, but I might be able to meet up in the morning because Adam has conference in Salt Lake...I REALLY want to see everyone!

Michelle said...

the sweet baby girl is oh so cute! and what a fun experience for Z and J! Looks like so much fun!

The Harrises said...

The recycling duo! Way to go kids! Do you think they can help BP with the oil spill in the gulf.

I CANNOT wait to hold that baby, and I CANNOT wait to see you and the kids.

Medical School Graduation

Medical School Graduation
May 20, 2007 Hershey, PA