Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Boston Trip October 3-8th

the kids thought this statue was so funny at first because he is "naked...hee hee" but since we talked about it everyday by the end of the trip they were saying "lots of statues are of naked people because it shows how amazing our bodies are"...etc- good teaching moment :)
This whole trip was made possible because DAVE is AWESOME and was accepted to speak at the New Speakers Forum of this National EM Conference. He made up a catchy title "It's Vogue to be Cool" submitted it, was accepted and his program was so happy they paid for the whole trip--thank you North Shore!
We stayed at the Sheraton downtown and the kids and I had PLENTY to do while Dave was at his conference-- this fountain was our first stop the night we arrived!
we had beautiful weather and loved walking everywhere we went
the kids and I ate at UNO Chicago Grill where they were the chefs and made their own pizzas- James loved it, can't you see??
we loved all the beautiful churches and amazing historical buildings of Boston
i just thought this was a cute one of them :)
the parks and Boston Common areas were covered in flowers and beautifully manicured grounds- we did a lot of walking but loved the scenery along the way
We ended up walking to the Children's Museum while waiting for Dave to finish up one day and got in for the last hour for FREE- always a plus. It was a GREAT museum if anyone is heading to Boston anytime soon...

We found a unique ice cream shop on Newbury Street and the cones were so cool- they were covered in rice crispy treats and s'mores, something I had never seen before
my Almond Joy cone rocked!

We walked about half of the Freedom Trail and the kids thought the tale of Paul Revere was "pretty amazing"
the U.S.S. Constitution
We spent some time in Little Italy looking for the perfect bakery treat and ended up with a fresh-filled canoli, a huge black and white cookie and an eclair. The eclair was a little disappointing, but the rest was fabulous and wrapped up so nicely in the this little box.

We ate some great Vietnamese food on our last night, swam in the hotel pool at least once everyday, drove around Harvard campus, and saw amazing fall colors on the drive to and from Boston and NY.
We all loved Boston and decided we will definitely be back to visit again soon...i hope.


Michelle said...

what a fun trip! I love all your pictures...and wait a minute...aren't you supposed to be pregnant? cuz...you definitely don't look it! you're so pretty. love you

Jules said...

It looks like a fun trip, and Dave did choose such an intriguing title...but what on earth was his talk about??

Lynsie and Joey said...

Boston looks awesome, and like a great trip. You guys do so many fun things. And yes we will be in town for the Harris sing-along party and I can't wait to see you and your pregnant self and your family. Looks like it's your turn to be Mary again:-)

The Larsen's said...

I loved Boston when we went there too. It's such an amazing city. Glad you guys had fun.

Cheryl said...

Girl do you ever stop? Not even a pregnancy is gonna slow you down!!! Glad to see you are doing well...We need to chat and get caught up!

Jeff said...

what's with you guys and pastries?

Dave and Mel said...

is this Jeff McCann? you saw my obsession in full force while you were here-- hee hee!

goldmania said...

Fun! We loved Boston too and our kids just had a blast in that fountain. :) Dave needs to just keep submitting papers EVERYWHERE! ha ha

Medical School Graduation

Medical School Graduation
May 20, 2007 Hershey, PA